Happy New Year 2023!

Wow, the end of 2022 was a fast-paced page-turner for me.

Shortly after my last update, I got a new full-time job, which is fantastic for my finances. As part of the job training, hubby and I got to go to London for a week in early December, which was exciting and fun, even if we didn’t get to tour around much. We stayed in the Fitzrovia/Oxford Street area. The only drawback is that it was the coldest week in memory.

Here is a picture of me trying to stay warm on our way home.

Photo of author Liriel McMahon in December 2023, trying to to freeze to death while waiting for a bus home from the airport

When I got back I caught the cold my housemate had brought home from his office in Dublin. Such is life as we all reopen from the COVID pandemic, which I have not caught yet *knocks on wood*. I hadn’t been this sick in three years and still have a super annoying lingering cough.

Now that I am starting to feel better I am thinking about writing. One of the things I am adjusting is my timeline expectations since full-time work is now a factor. Another complication is that we still need to find a more permanent home. The house we are in has been sold and we have a few months to find another place, which is already a challenge. So yes, expectations are adjusted, and writing things will just take longer.

That said, I have gotten some valuable feedback on my novella Ancient History. I am delighted that everyone who has worked on it is excited about this promising story. I will implement constructive changes to the manuscript and then start shopping it around for a publisher.

I have a full outline for the new novel, Star Augur, and have drafted the first three chapters, with more to follow.

Things are looking up for 2023, and I am very excited to see what comes. May all of you have good and great things come your way!



Is it almost April already...?


Writing class and exercise