Moving - and forward!
(originally posted 19 Sep 2023)
Not long after (August 13th to be exact) my last post of August 4th, and a lot of awesome writing (yes!), we got the most excellent news that we were accepted to rent a real apartment, with real walls, a real roof, actual central heating, and close to all the Things (no more banged-up kneecaps from falling off my e-scooter trying to get groceries), it's just amazing! So, all the writing got packed up (along with everything else, of course), and we moved.
We are just about settled into our new place, and now I am clearing the decks (the Rocketbook sheets, to be precise) so I can get back to writing.
I have Gem Finder out with an editor, and I have some things to revise with Ancient History (hence the handwritten notes), but all is well, and moving forward.
That's all for now!